Symptoms and laboratory tests to identify parasites in the human body

How to understand that there are parasites in the body? Many people don’t even think about such an issue, and of course in vain. It should be understood that those who are in the human body during their lifetime can cause a number of diseases that are quite dangerous. For this reason, it is recommended to perform preventive examinations and special examinations.

General characteristics of parasites

The presence of such living organisms can occur in any part of the body, and the more it becomes in a given organ, the worse its general condition. In addition to the internal organs, the presence of vital activity of the parasite can also be observed in the skin, tissues and mucous membranes. These types of pathogens feed on foods that a person consumes.

An endoparasite living in the human body

There are only two types of parasites, depending on their habitat in the human body:

  • The vital activity of endoparasites can be observed directly in the body, namely in the internal organs and systems. These include echinococcus, giardia, viruses, different types of fungi.
  • The vital activity of ectoparasites is observed on the surface layer of the body, i. e. the skin. They absorb blood and human cells. Ectoparasites include lice, mites, bugs.

The adult body is designed to prevent intrusion as well as the vital activity of certain parasites. For example, when saliva is produced in the mouth, enzymes are formed that prevent worms from multiplying and laying eggs.

The effect of such enzymes is destructive in such cases. The protective function is provided by the acidic environment of the stomach as well as human immunity. In a child, the barrier against parasites may simply not work, which can be explained by an immune system that is not yet fully developed. Weak immunity causes the invasion and multiplication of pathogenic organisms.

According to several studies, certain types of parasites do not surrender to the body’s barrier, get into it, and destroy it without obvious symptoms or signs. The duration of the incubation period (the moment of entering the body - the first symptoms) can reach several years, during which a person lives a normal life without knowing about the existence of parasites.

There are many ways to find out if there are parasites in your body, but above all you need to monitor your health carefully, not to lose sight of the slightest changes and symptoms, consult a specialist immediately.

Diseases and conditions that indicate the presence of parasites in the body

You can check your body for parasites based on the following signs and symptoms:

  • stool disorder. This includes frequent constipation and diarrhea. If parasites are localized in the bile ducts and are blocked by their large size, this can cause rare and difficult bowel movements. Some pathogenic organisms can produce a hormone-like substance that causes frequent diarrhea. Thus, diarrhea is not only a protective reaction of the body to the consumption of "bad" foods, but also a sign of the presence of a parasitic infection in the body.
  • Puffiness. Increased gas formation and bloating is a symptom of the presence of parasites in the small intestine, which is the cause of the inflammatory process. Signs of bloating can be observed until the person recovers from the worms.
  • The presence of worms in the intestines can manifest as bloating
  • "Irritable gut". A similar syndrome is a consequence of the irritation of the intestinal wall by parasites and the inflammatory process it causes. At the same time, there are various symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders, the absorption of all nutrients, including fat. If the small intestine is unable to absorb fat, it will start to penetrate the colon, causing cramps, constipation and diarrhea.
  • Joint and muscle pain. Parasites are often localized in the muscles and joints, causing pain that a person confuses with arthritis.
  • Allergic reaction. Excessive release of toxic substances by worms activates the immune response in the body by producing an increased dose of protective cells called eosinophils. Such cells cause the inflammatory process in the tissues, causing an allergic reaction.
  • Allergies and skin diseases are signs of parasites in the body
  • Pathologies of the skin. Symptoms may include urticaria, various rashes, eczema, skin wounds, tumors, and papillomas. In the case of worms in the intestines, skin damage can occur with the appearance of acne, seborrhea, various spots and wrinkles.
  • Chronic fatigue. Symptoms in this case include: persistent general malaise, apathy, depression, poor memory. Such signs can be explained by a violation of the absorption of nutrients from food.

Diagnosis of parasites in the body

It is not enough to determine the pronounced symptoms of the presence of parasites. In addition, their presence and therapeutic methods need to be strengthened. How can parasites be identified under the conditions in the human body? Their determination can be both laboratory and instrumental. The laboratory methods for diagnosing worms are:

  • Microscopy. The most common method for detecting worms. During diagnosis, human feces are examined for the presence of eggs from such organisms. After the first analysis, it is not always possible to identify the worm. In some cases, several procedures are required.
  • Serological testing. This study, tested over the years, has become one of the most popular methods for testing blood antibodies and antigens for various infections. In any case, human immunity responds to invading pathogenic microorganisms. This type of diagnosis includes tests such as immunofluorescence, polymerase chain reaction, enzyme immunoassay.
Laboratory diagnosis of parasites in the human body

The hardware methods for diagnosing parasites in the body are as follows:

  • Perform an ultrasound scan to detect echinococcus in the body.
  • X-ray to detect parasites, such as in the lungs.
  • Endoscopy and biopsy. A similar type of diagnosis is prescribed to detect helminth samples in the internal organs, followed by tissue sampling for research.

Removal of parasites from the body

How to determine the presence of parasites in the body, it turned out. Now it is worth considering ways to eliminate them. The therapy of the parasitic infection is performed in 3 stages.

Section 1 - Preparatory

During this period, the human body must be prepared for the main treatment:

  • sorbents are prescribed for intake to help cleanse the body and reduce the onset of symptoms of poisoning;
  • Among choleretic agents, preparations based on sandy immortelle flowers and bovine bile extract should be highlighted;
  • to eliminate the spasm you can drink herbal decoctions throughout the day, such as St. John's wort, wild rose, valerian;
  • Enzyme preparations are also recommended.

Section 2 - Perform deworming

The main antiparasitic therapy consists of taking a special medicine prescribed by a specialist. The dosage can only be determined by a doctor, as such drugs are quite toxic and can be dangerous to health if the required amount is exceeded.

Biologically active additives are also often used, the components of which contain bitter herbs that have an anthelmintic effect on the body. Dietary supplements have fewer side effects and do not interfere with the functioning of organs such as the liver.

Section 3 - Recovery Period

At this time, probiotics and prebiotics should be taken to restore normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therapy with vitamin complexes, enzymes, and hepatoprotectors is also recommended to help normalize the activity of organs such as the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.

Only complex treatment can help get rid of not only parasites in general, but also the negative consequences of their life activities.